지점선택 이동
Period of stay
No. of rooms
1 room(s)
투숙기간 / 객실 수 이동
Package name
패키지 이동
Total (Including VAT)

Package reservation

Please enter the accommodation, period of stay and the number of rooms, and select a package.

Accommodation / Date / No. of rooms Optional

  • You can select up to 9 rooms.
  • Please contact us for reservation of more than 10 rooms.
  • You cannot use coupon to book a package.

Reservation information : 1588-4355

1 room(s)

Select package and room

Total 0queries

No room is available in the selected accommodation or during the selected period.

No room is available in the selected accommodation or during the selected period.

Enter the reserver's information

Red Point The marked fields are required information.

정보 입력
You cannot enter special characters and numbers.
Guests under 19 are not allowed to check in without a guardian.
Guests under 19 are not allowed to check in without a guardian.


Enter numbers only without '-'.

Enter the information on the guest.

정보 입력
You cannot enter special characters and numbers.
Enter numbers only without '-'.
  • It may take a few minutes for the e-mail to arrive. Please wait a little longer.
  • Please check your spam or trash folder.
  • If you still have not received the e-mail after one day, please contact the customer service center. (tel: 1588-4355)
Incorrect email address format.

you must enter the e-mail address in order to receive the confirmation by e-mail.

Number of guests Required
Adult 2 person(s)
Child 0 person(s)

if the maximum number of people is exceeded, admission is restricted.

children are included in the number of guests.

Enter credit card information for reservation guarantee.

ⓘ Room fee payment will be made at the front desk of the site upon check-in or check-out.

정보 입력
- - -
Invalid credit card number. Please check again.
  • Please enter a reserver's credit card number
  • If you make a reservation LOTTE HOTELS & RESORTS GIMHAE, It required to input Credit Card number. (included Owner membership)
Your credit card expires before the end of you stay. Enter information of another credit card.


Rate policy

Cancellation policy

Check-in information

Details of reservation

Details of reservation
(Including VAT)
  • Full text
  • Full text